5 Enzymatic detergents for surgical instruments

Why is HEXAZYM FOAM a better choice than liquid soak pans or wet towels?

  • Liquid soak pans are heavy to move, may cause biohazard spills during transport and cause corrosion if prolonged soaking.
  • Towels cannot effectively sustain moisture or prevent corrosion.

Why use enzymatic detergents for pre-cleaning?

  • Successful instrument processing starts at point of use and continues with strategies for preventing dried soils during transport and holding.
  • This includes instruments, devices and endoscopes.

How does the lack of scrubbing and friction during transport and holding impact our choice of pretreatment and cleaning chemicals?

  • It is a ready-touse enzymatic detergent that is sprayed on instruments as soon as possible after completion of procedures.
  • The enzyme foam prevents dried soils by maintaining moisture and dissolving soils, making it easier to clean hard to reach surfaces where biofilm can form.
  • Use of HEXAZYM FOAM reduces manual scrubbing and increases safety for workers.

A ready-to-use foaming enzymatic spray for surgical pre-cleaner that helps remove heavy soils from surgical instruments, maintains moisture during transport, and protects valuable instruments.

Before Application:

  • Drain off any soak liquids if used.
  • Saline is not recommended but if used, rinse off prior to application of foam.
  • Do not add water, bleach or other chemicals when using this product.
  • This product has a special sprayer .

Application At End Of Procedure:

  • Spray soiled instruments as soon as possible after devices/instruments are not in use.
  • If facility design makes it necessary to apply HEXAZYM FOAM foam in the treatment area, it is recommended to spray after surgical site is covered with dressing and not immediately adjacent to treatment area.
  • HEXAZYM FOAM is viscous and will not aerosolize when applied about 6 to 10 inches from instrument surfaces.
  • Segregate used and more soiled items in top layer and open jointed items.
  • Focus coverage on visible soils and jointed areas.
  • Avoid over-application.
  • A “blanket” of foam is not necessary.


  • Place soiled items on trays or containers with solid bottom before spraying to prevent drips.
  • If soiled items will be transported or held for longer periods, place items in containers with solid bottom, sides and solid lid.
  • Spray in layers ensuring coverage of visibly soiled areas.
  • Use biohazard labeling as required.
  • Follow policies of the organization for limits of holding and transport time.

Is it necessary to rinse the foam off prior to automated or manual cleaning?

  • The special action of HEXAZYM FOAM uses high foam surfactants.
  • Instruments should be rinsed with cold water at low pressure to remove most of the foam residue prior to placement in automated washers or sonic instrument cleaning equipment.
  • Rinsing foam off before manual cleaning will improve visibility.

Where should HEXAZYM FOAM be used?
This product is ideal for placement at all point-of-use locations:
operating and treatment rooms, labor and delivery, emergency and ambulatory departments, dental clinics and off-site locations transporting contaminated instrumentation to centralized processing.

It is also effective for spot treatment of heavily soiled cases and when case carts get backed up in Central Sterile Processing.

  •  Instrument Transport Humectant Pre-Cleaner.
  • Multi-tiered enzymatic spray, Non-Aerosol Promotes long lasting retention of moisture.
  • No ‘skinning’ – unlike other pre-cleaner, the HEXAZYM FOAM Forever Wet does .
  • Not leave hardened skin on surfaces .
  • Helps to prevent the adhesion of blood clots and organic debris from the cannula tunnel of instruments .
  • Begins working instantly on contact .
  • Easy to use – just spray foam over instruments.
  • Foam prevents blood soils from drying on instruments while suppressing unpleasant odors.
  • Neutral pH formula is gentle on all types of instrumentation.
  • Unique anti-corrosive system protects delicate items.
  • Eliminate the weight and spills associated with liquid pan presoaks.
  • Prevent soils from drying on instruments during processing delays.
  • Non-ionic and amphoteric surfactants, solvents, complexing agents, amino acid derivatives, multi enzyme complex (Amilase, Cellulase, Lipase, Mananase and Protease), corrosion inhibitors, preservative.
  • Non corrosive without oxydising agents.
  • PH-value: about 8
  • • D e n s i t y : about +/- 1.1
  • After dulited near to neutral PH .
  • PH (diluted product: about 7.25 (neutral )
  • At a minimum wear eye protection and non-latex gloves when applying this product at point of use locations.
  • Keep out of reach Children.
Product option Pack size Product code
HEXAZYM FOAM 10 x 1L 2001
HEXAZYM FOAM 2 x 5L 2002
HEXAZYM FOAM 1 x 10L 2003
HEXAZYM FOAM 1 x20L 2004


Product code : 2000

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